We Offer Counseling Services

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Pre-Purchase Counseling

Our Pre-Purchase Home Buyer’s Education course is an educational and resource tool centered on advice regarding readiness and preparation for homeownership. Sessions are offered individually or in a group setting.

Foreclosure Assistance

Counselors are available to provide telephone counseling by appointment to discover options for keeping your home. If you need further assistance in completing workout packages or understanding a modification agreement, we will perform a review of your package via Zoom.

High-Cost Loan Counseling

High-Cost Loan Counseling is for borrowers who are entering into a loan term with an interest rate of 8% or more. Our agency provides the counseling requirement needed to secure the loan.

Credit and Financial Management

This course is part of our Home Buyer’s Education and Home Retention series. Clients will learn how to manage credit, debt, and learn the basics of budgeting.

Post-Purchase Counseling

Our Post-Purchase Counseling sessions ensure you are able to maintain homeownership and are typically taken within your first year in the home.

Employment Resources